Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Happy Birthday Mom!

Today, being moms 25ish birthday (hehe) we hit up the beach with some pizza. Tonight was Luke's first time at one of our great lakes. At first he was super unsure about the sand, the loud sea gulls, all the water, and of course the noise the boat motors made. After eating a whole piece of pizza, Luke sat on my lap and watched me play with the sand. Slowly he was pushing his fingers down into the sand and before we knew it he had his shoes off and was wiggling his toes. We played with Luke, watched the boats go through the channel, and slowly urged him to walk on the sand. There was a couple a few picnic tables away from us also playing with there two sons in the sand. The father and oldest boy (who was about a foot taller then Luke) came over to us. The man and his wife had adopted two boys from Detriot, ages 3 1/2 and 11 months. He wished us and Luke luck on his first time at the beach and he said he hoped Luke wouldn't give us to much trouble. Its amazing how big the community surround adoption actually is. After we packed up supper we walked towards the swings, down the beach, and to the pier. Since pictures always say it better then words; here you go.

Luke praying for us. 

He was digging the swings, and I kinda was too.. 

Luke, Hunter, and Mom getting their toes wet. 

The water was a bit cold!

Luke and Mom 

Just gotta love that smile.

Daddy and his girls. 

Mom and Luke again. 

Happy Birthday Mom!

Big Brother 

Wet and sandy!

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