Friday, July 19, 2013

Welcoming Home Luke

We made it to Washington DC. Luke did great on the flight. The only real problem we had was one he couldn't  control - he pooped through 3 outfits.

We want to thank all those who have supported us in many ways over the nearly four years since we decided to adopt.  On July 15, 2010 we made a decision to adopt from Ethiopia and began paperwork. Through a long and often frustrating process God has lead us to July 15, 2013 which is the day our son from Ethiopia became ours forever.  Looking back we obviously would have preferred to have this process go much quicker, but we also recognize that God has taught us a new level of patience and reliance on Him because there really was no other options available. 

Because of all your support, it is reluctance that we make the follow request. Based on our intuition and advice from Bethany, we are going to "cocoon" or essentially keep our son to ourselves for several weeks. We feel this is in his best interest. You are more than welcome to be at the airport when we get home from Ethiopia tomorrow

. Brett will be carrying him off the plane and the plan is for him to stay in Brett's arms while at the airport.  You can visit with him at the airport but we will not be passing him around.  Once we are home we ask that you respect our privacy and allow us to lay low as a family for the rest of the summer. 

Saturday, July 13, 2013

We are proud to announce ..............

Robin is making an announcement ...........Brett and I are proud to announce we have chosen a name for our youngest child -  Luke Terefe Diepenhorst.  We will be boarding the plane tomorrow at 10:15am and arriving at 7 am Ethiopian time (that would be midnight our time).  Please pray that our flight goes smoothly and we are able to get sleep.  Shortly after we get in Ethiopia we will be going to pick up Luke from the orphanage.  We have been praying that this change for him is not too much.  We will try post some pictures on Monday.  God has blessed us with another child and we can't wait to see what all He has planned for us.  Please remember we are all orphans and children of God.

They're gone....

They left our sight at about 8:50, after looking in the gift shop for a cord that my dad wanted for his glasses, and having breakfast at the aiport. We said our goodbyes and they got in the line for security.   We walked away knowing that the next time we were altogether we would be a family of 6. It wasn't easy we all wanted to go back together back to Ethiopia, Africa together. They have arrived safely at the Washington Dulles Airport. Hopefully now picking out a name for "nameless" a.k.a little "t". Yeah, Mom if you are trying to log into the blog Grandma likes the name Isaac. Yeah and sorry if there are no updates from my mom doesn't have it quite down yet ( blog steps) and it doesn't help that if she is using the computer in Africa when she gets there ( which will be @ 12:00 give or take on Monday) , blogger settings are in Amharic.   

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Dates and Times

So a week from today he will be in my parents arms forever. They will pick him up from the Hilawe  orphanage.  Then they have a Embassy appointment at1:00 which is when then sign  papers and show they have him. Some point in the time he will have a doctors appointment there. They will be waiting  for his visa which they could get at any time on Thursday. They will arrive back in Grand Rapids a week from Saturday at 2:10 give or take. Right when he stands on U.S. soil he is a U.S. citizen. Anyone who wants to come to the airport is welcome this is your chance to see him. Little T's suitcase has been pack for almost a week.  

We passed.... again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So there was a little confusion with the U.S. Embassy. They cleared us not knowing that my parents fingerprints were expired, even though they redid them but Bethany didn't send them. Somehow the mistake was found and yesterday we got news that we would have to wait til they were sent digitally to the Embassy. They got them to Embassy but they were already close for the day yesterday. Praying that we would get the news today, and we got it. On Monday the 15 of July my parents will be picking Terefe. And the 16th is the Embassy date which is when they have to show they have little T and sign paperwork. And on the 17th is exactly 3 years since we told our family we were adopting clueing them with the flowers of Ethiopia, Ethiopian coffee, and the #4. Now on this day three years later my  parents  will be holding him in our arms. God is good and we are blessed. We love you little  T. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

He's commin' home 🏠

We passed Embassy today! Now we have submitted dates to Embassy and the chose we which better for them. Then probably monday we will firgure out when my parents are going to Africa. We. are. Blessed. beyond words and can't wait to have little "T" home.  Also I have to clarify that his orphanage didn't close its just that Bethany is no longer partnering  with them.  We will update soon