Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Guardian Court Passed !!!!!!!!!!!

According to Bethany, the guardian court meeting went well.  Now we are waiting for MOWA (Ethiopian governmental agency) to write a letter to the African court.  Once this letter is received and accepted by the court, we will get a court date for our family to go on our first trip. Heres a gift we got from one of our amazing  and talented neighbors, thanks Pam!

Monday, April 22, 2013

It's Tomorrow.........

Terefe's guardian court date is happening tomorrow. This is the  last step to getting our date to go. Right now the VanDams are in Ethiopia on their first trip  visiting Tizi  and will have their court date a day after Terefes.  Its exciting to know that things in the adoption world are going well. Can't wait to hear about their trip and can't wait for both of our families court dates. Please pray that all goes well  and can't wait to fill in all of these boxes..............